Do you know the place, where children’s dreams come true? Yes at our Unlimited Biking store locations, because biking is a lot of fun for the whole family. But we have to admit that there is another great place in New York, namely FAO Schwarz. It’s been more than three years since FAO Schwarz closed its doors after 150 years, ending its run as the nation’s oldest toy store. At the time, owner Toys “R” Us blamed rising rents at Midtown’s General Motors Building, but assured the public they’d be looking for a new location. And since California-based firm ThreeSixty Group Inc. took over ownership in 2016, that day has finally come. You can take the bike to get there in a few minutes! Don’t miss this paradise. Big teddy bears, a piano on the floor and so much toys. You can’t imagine!

The experience starts at the entrance. Where two ladies in uniforms heartily welcomed us and our bikes. Especially one of them was excited about our bikes. We recommended her our Unlimited Biking service and let her test the bike right away as you can see.

Inside it’s a toys paradise, especially for young but also for old. There is so much to see and to try out. Nice music and so much experience! The perfect place for the holiday season to get in this special Christmas mood. But as you can see on the picture we’re more than ready for Christmas – the ugly Christmas sweater season has started! And there is also the famous piano on the floor. You can step on the different keys to play music – great fun. It’s famous because the old store in New York was featured in the 1988 Tom Hanks film Big, in which Hanks and Robert Loggia danced Heart & Soul and Chopsticks on the store’s large floor piano. So you definitely should check it out!

The picture below shows a real premium toy. We were surprised when we saw the price of 25.000 Dollars for this special car.

At the end of our trip to FAO Schwarz we can say that it is definitely worth it! Now we’re 120% in the mood for the upcoming holidays. If you also like to see this beautiful shop take a bike and get there in a few minutes!
Get your bike here: https://www.unlimitedbiking.com/new-york/rentals/

56 W 56th St, New York, NY 10019
(212) 749-4444